Energy saving tips for home owners:

This article is about the appliances that consume the most electricity at home. You can also also find tips on how to save on your energy bill.


Both desktop and laptop computers can put a sizeable dent in your household energy bills. Especially at a time when many of us are working from home.

Be wary of leaving your computer on throughout the day or leaving your laptop plugged in all the time while you work. If your home has an Economy 7 meter, save money by charging your laptop (and other devices like phones and tablets) during off-peak hours.

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Today’s TVs use significantly less than the power-sapping CRT televisions of yesteryear. Still, some are more energy-efficient than others. LED TVs are the most energy-efficient as they switch off pixels that are not in use (i.e. when there are black images on the screen). Not only does this mean a better picture with deeper blacks, but it also means lower energy consumption!

5 hours of LED TV time a day will use around 11 kWh per month. However, it’s important to switch your TV off at the wall when not in use. Leaving it on standby means that it uses up to 80% as much energy when not in use as it does when active.

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Using your dishwasher can actually be better for energy conservation than washing your dishes by hand. However, there’s still potential for energy waste.  As with your washing machine, be sure not to under-load the dishwasher and use the eco setting where possible.

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Washer and dryer

The washing machine of a family of four uses around 36 kWh of energy per month. If you want to use a tumble dryer to dry your clothes, this will set you back a further 48 kWh per month. That’s 84 kWh spent on washing and drying your clothes every month. Enough to power a games console for 16 hours!

You can reduce your energy consumption while still enjoying beautiful clean clothes. You just need to:

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Built-in air conditioning systems (also known as Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning or HVAC systems) are less common in the UK than across the pond. At least in terms of domestic use. While they can be a powerfully effective way to control your home’s ambient temperature, they can have a substantial impact on your energy consumption.

Investing in a more energy-efficient refrigerator could save you over £110 per year According To OVO (Https://Www.Ovoenergy.Com/Guides/Energy-Guides/Energy-Efficient-Fridges-And-Freezers)However, you can save money on running your existing fridge by:

  • Keeping it at the manufacturer’s recommended temperature
  • Limiting the amount of time you leave the door open
  • Not overloading your refrigerator

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HVAC system

Built-in air conditioning systems (also known as Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning or HVAC systems) are less common in the UK than across the pond.  At least in terms of domestic use.  While they can be a powerfully effective way to control your home’s ambient temperature, they can have a substantial impact on your energy consumption.

Regular servicing can ensure that it is operating as efficiently as possible, while investing in better insulation means that you’ll need to use it less often.

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